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No ipv6, cant save diagnostic on USB locked


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So I am stuck without able to do anything at the moment. I had trouble opening a few files last night, go to open my web-gui to see if everything was good today and tower/ doesn't load at all. and all my settings had been reverted, no dark mode, the default light theme etc. I stupidly REBOOTED.  I attach a monitor to my server to see what the issue was. No ipv6 to connect too. 


I done some searching and editing the config seemed to be the go to, yet when I plug the USB (Kingston) into my machine, it was locked. and when I type diagnostics, it runs yet no file saves in my folder. Only previous diagnostics are there. I am guessing my USB is bricked? Would that explain why I had no ipv6 after reboot? 


Just to confirm, I cant do anything with the USB in windows, not even load files to view nevermind edit. tried chkdsk, it wont allow me. I can only view files on OSX I have access too, but I can neither edit or delete them.

Edited by grjbb
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13 minutes ago, trurl said:

Do you have a backup of flash?

I do but from last year, does this matter? I did have a plugin that backed up the usb to my array weekly 😳. Obviously this is uesless to me right now.


I just done a health check the USB in OSX and the USB says healthy, yet the partition unraid is on is not.

Edited by grjbb
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There should only be a single partition on the Unraid boot flash. If you had a good backup you could just make a new install and copy the config folder from your backup. The config folder is where all of your settings are.


That old backup won't have any settings you made since then. Most importantly, if you made any changes to disk assignments, those would be wrong. One possible scenario is using a backup which specified a disk assigned as parity that you had since reused as data. If you used that Unraid would begin to overwrite that data disk with parity.


Obviously having a flash backup on a system which can only be accessed after you have booted from flash is not the best plan. I use an NTFS Automounted Unassigned Device for my scheduled flash backup, that way I can just plug it into Windows if I need it. Another method would be an Automounted share on another computer in Unassigned Devices. Neither is a perfect solution though since if they aren't mounted for some reason the path to those would be in RAM instead.


Do you have any diagnostics, syslogs, or screenshots we could get your disk assignments from? Do you have a copy of your license key? If we could get that far you and get the array started you could retrieve your backup.

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9 minutes ago, trurl said:

There should only be a single partition on the Unraid boot flash. If you had a good backup you could just make a new install and copy the config folder from your backup. The config folder is where all of your settings are.


That old backup won't have any settings you made since then. Most importantly, if you made any changes to disk assignments, those would be wrong. One possible scenario is using a backup which specified a disk assigned as parity that you had since reused as data. If you used that Unraid would begin to overwrite that data disk with parity.


Obviously having a flash backup on a system which can only be accessed after you have booted from flash is not the best plan. I use an NTFS Automounted Unassigned Device for my scheduled flash backup, that way I can just plug it into Windows if I need it. Another method would be an Automounted share on another computer in Unassigned Devices. Neither is a perfect solution though since if they aren't mounted for some reason the path to those would be in RAM instead.


Do you have any diagnostics, syslogs, or screenshots we could get your disk assignments from? Do you have a copy of your license key? If we could get that far you and get the array started you could retrieve your backup.

I will have screenshots somewhere, and I have copied the usb to my machine, I can read the info on it, just not edit it. Screenshot below is the last thing I can do. Does that mean it has saved a log somewhere? because when I go to where my previous ones are, this years 2020 current ones are not. My orginal problem was not having ipv6, or being able to logon onto the webgui.

unraid prob1.JPG

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I do have a disk_assignments etc from my current USB. its all there compared to my 'official' backup I hade in July, I have made a copy of it all too. 


If it IS the USB, is it just a case of replacing the files I have on the current USB to the backup folder, and wiping and compiling onto a new/ or current usb?


I have gone from hmm to - 😲 thinking my USB is kaput. My initial problem is not being able to load the web gui or get a ipv6 for some reason. Any ideas for it?

Edited by grjbb
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1 hour ago, grjbb said:

If it IS the USB, is it just a case of replacing the files I have on the current USB to the backup folder, and wiping and compiling onto a new/ or current usb?

Not quite clear for me. Is there something confusing about the way I said it?

1 hour ago, trurl said:

If you had a good backup you could just make a new install and copy the config folder from your backup. The config folder is where all of your settings are.


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