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SOLVED: Corrupt USB - out of date offline backup


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My USB died, corrupt and showing read only mode in Windows when trying to run a chkdsk.   The last offline backup I can find is from 12/19/2019, and I have since added drives to the array.   


Suggestions on next steps?   Any and all help greatly  appreciated.


22 drive array, 2 parity disks, 1 SSD cache drive


P.S.  I had planned on setting up automated offline backs for it this weekend.  C'est la vie.





Edited by Grrrreg
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If you are not sure what drive belongs where in the array then the technique is:

  •  Assign all drives as data drives
  • Start the array
  • Ideally all the genuine data drives will mount fine and 2 drives (the parity drives) will show as unmountable.  make a note of the serial numbers of the parity drives.   If this is not the case stop and ask for help giving details of what happened.
  • Stop the array
  • Go to Tools >>> New Config.   Select the option to retain current assignments (as it reduces the chance of error).  Click the yes I want to do this and then apply.
    • Go back to the main tab and correct the assignments of the parity drives.  Double check you have the right drives as the parity drives as assigning a data drive to parity will lose its contents.  You can move any other drives around at this stage as well.
  • Start the array and the system will start building parity based on the current assignments.

All your User Shares will re-appear (as they are simply the aggregation of the top level folders on each drive) but with default settings so you may need to re-apply any customisation you want.   


You can now go any other customisation that is appropriate and add any plugins you normally use.


At this point I would recommend clicking on the flash drive on the Main tab and selecting the option to download a backup of the flash drive.  It is always good practice to do this any time you make a significant change until/if you have an automated solution.


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