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Why unRAID breaks file copying when applying new settings


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I'm still setting up my unRAID server and I noticed that while copying files from PC to server, and trying to apply settings to the server ( For example applying permission to a folder that isn't the one I'm copying file to) unRAID will terminate the copy process. Is there something wrong with the installation? Shouldn't you be able to change settings and do other tasks at the same time? 



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23 minutes ago, mhweb said:

Well, that's not a good design. Although this isn't an enterprise level software, it's a problem having to constantly make sure that no one is accessing the server to make such a small change.


Thanks for the info. 

This is not something I have seen anyone asking about before so it is probably not something that has been considered as an issue.  I did a quick web search and it appears it should be possible to get Samba to re-read it’s config without restarting the service.   Maybe worth raising a feature request for this?   Not sure if it has any non-obvious implications that might mean such a feature could cause problems.

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Because I'm setting up the server, and changes (no every day but) will always happen, and if you're used to apply changes without disrupting users with other systems, and then you think you expect the same on unRAID, you want to prevent data loss or corruption while users in the network and moving files to the server. 

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