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Strange WebGui behavior then becomes unusable

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My "onprem" unraid server is acting strangely.  Seems every day or two the webgui will start showing strange data and fail to update fields.

  • Strange data: shows 3 of 8 threads pegged at 100%, while htop shows no activity.
  • Fail to load: unattached devices section of Main, docker, shares - all missing data or don't load at all.

If I click around the webgui a few times it generally crashes the gui completely and the webpage won't load anymore ("internal server error", or "Gateway Time-out").  Meanwhile SSH works and SMB shares still respond as normal, except for "diagnostics" or any of the shutdown/restart commands.  Server broadcasts that it is collecting diagnostic data, or shutting down, but nothing actually happens: image.png.2306e50a0ab231075bca8445a1e67492.png

Only way to get the server back to normal temporarily is to hard-reset and face the dreaded parity check.

I was able to manually copy the syslog.txt file (attached).  I'm not running any VMs, just three containers (pihole, zoneminder, plex).

Thanks so much for the help!


Hardware is quite old, I can try to get more specific if needed:

i7 3770


Array: 4 x HDDs, 3 x SSDs (Cache)

1 x Unattached Device (USB data traveler)



Edited by The_N4RF
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Your symptoms suggest a flash problem so switching the port may be the solution.


Your "system" shares, appdata, domains, system, have files on the array. You probably created dockers/VMs before installing cache so they got created on the array. Best if they are all on cache and set to stay on cache. Your system share specifically is set to get moved to the array. Mover can't move open files so Docker and VM Services would have to be disabled to get them moved.


Do you understand the Use cache settings?

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Ok, usb flash drive is moved to USB2 port and all of the data for appdata, system, and domains are hosted only on the Cache.  Thanks for the help, we'll see how it goes!  

I did notice this week that if I left my Win10 VM running it seemed to be fine.  But if I stopped or force-stopped the VM I would find the unraid server unusable soon after.  This has only been tested twice though.

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Failed again (VM was stopped).  Will try again and leave the VM running.  

-webgui showing several CPUs maxed, but htop is showing idle.



-Unassigned Devices won't load.  (should be a 2.5" USB harddrive here)



These are the initial display errors.  Eventually the page will not load at all anymore.

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Yup, worked for 2 days with the VM running.  All I did was stop the VM, then 8hrs later I find the unraid server effectively crashed.


Nonsense CPU load reporting.  WebGUI eventually stops responding.  SSH connects, most commands seem to work but will not shutdown/restart.


Next step?  It seems to be isolated to the VM.  What changes when I stop the VM?

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