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VM system won't start properly


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Made sure all my virtual settings on my mainboard are on. Plenty of memory. I even tried shutting down the array, start VM, then turn it back on. Several people just told me to forget about the PATH errors and it will work. But when I click on VM it just says "LIBVIRT SERVICE FAILED TO START". I did snap a shot of the default VM setup page. Do those PATH ERRORS need to be fixed somehow to get the VM system to go on? I remember using several VM's when it first came out with no problem, but because of all the changes not sure the default settings are good to go. I have a couple of unassigned drives I can use for all my VM stuff so it does not have to keep reading/writing to the array. Any ideas on this?




vm settings.jpg

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8 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Posted diags have VM service disable and no attempts to start it, we need to see the error when trying to start it.

Made a little headway. Had to get my paths correct for one. I also wanted to make sure all my VDISKS were only on my cache drive for performance purposes. I even put the isos folder on the cache drive too. I don't use the cache drive in a regular manner, just another isolated storage area like my unassigns. Ok, still working on getting the correct settings. Ubuntu went on ok, could care less about Windows.


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