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Eviltoon - Flash Problems


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As suspected you have issues with Flash. Are you booting from a USB2 port? (recommended)


Do you have a current backup of your flash drive?


Shutdown, put flash in your PC and let it checkdisk. While there make a backup of flash. If you ever need to you can always put the config folder from your flash backup on a new install and everything will be back.


For future reference, you can download a backup of flash from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup. You should get a new backup anytime you make significant changes in the webUI. This is especially important if you make any changes to disk assignments.

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my usb port  is a 3.0. The usb thumb drive is 2.0

the old usb was damaged and I need a new one 

and I didn't bank it up. can it be fix without losing my  data 

or am I going to have to buy a new copy and a new usb drive to and lose my data

Edited by Eviltoon
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6 minutes ago, Eviltoon said:

my usb port  is a 3.0.

Do you have a USB2 port on your server?


6 minutes ago, Eviltoon said:

the old usb was damaged

Are you saying that the USB you booted from cannot be used now?


6 minutes ago, Eviltoon said:

without losing my  data

Do you know which disk was assigned to which slot?


I am going to have split this all into its own thread since it has absolutely nothing to do with Community Applications.


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  • trurl unlocked this topic

not on the motherboard. 

I had to get a new usb drive and now I have this problem.

yes I know what disk is assigned to the slot . 

( I had to replace my usb drive it was damaged and I did not back it up. and had to get new software and install it. I put the disk back in exactly. and then I wet to get the plug ins and ran in to this problem. is there a way to fix this or do I need to buy a new copy with a new usb drive and restart my server all over and will lose all of my data

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1 minute ago, Eviltoon said:

not on the motherboard. 

Are you sure? Often there will be a header on the motherboard that you can plug USB2 ports into.


Now that I recognized your other threads and that you already replaced your flash, I am still a little unclear. Is your new flash broken also? Is it completely unusable as a flash drive even if you reformat it?

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