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Disk error, what to do?

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I have a disabled drive, version 6.8.2, found this page: https://wiki.unraid.net/Troubleshooting#What_if_I_get_an_error.3F ran both types of SMART tests, got this:

Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error

# 1 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 22171 -

# 2 Short offline Completed without error 00% 22156 -


So that looks good I think, those attached files are were generated on 2/20, today is 2/22. I noticed that the computer had rebooted while I was away, and now a notification says:

Notice [] - array turned good
Array has 0 disks with read errors


But the drive is still disabled.  There are maybe 3 troubling SMART attributes, but they are listed as pre-fail.  Some might be from previous faulty controllers/cables. Other than checking the cables which I will do, is there anything else I can do?  Should I try re-enabling the drive?  I ordered a new 12tb drive for my main server so that one of it's 8tb drives can be used to replace the "failing" drive in my secondary server, but the failing drive (8tb) is the same size as the parity drive while there are a couple of 4tb drives I would prefer to get rid of first, so it's a opportunity cost of 4tb.  But if the drive is really toast then obviously replacing it is the right thing to do.


I'm adding a second post unwanted reboot diagnostic file from today 2/22 just in case it's useful. Thank you.

flags-smart-20200222-1419.zip flags-diagnostics-20200220-1121.zip flags-diagnostics-20200222-1507.zip

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