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Solved: Plugin and Update OS status is unknown

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For the past few weeks all my plugins and the Update OS page have a status of "Unknown".


I have tried a reboot with no change.  I have also checked that the box has working Internet, which it has.  I also got my weekly email yesterday telling me all the plugins that require updating.


Running 6.8.2.


Any idea on how to solve this ? or is there a command line to upgrade plugins via the terminal ?

Edited by Droid999
Update title.
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If you reload the apps page and the date hasn't changed, then it's definitely not communicating with the outside world.  (A reboot would then have Apps actually return errors)


But, I don't know what the problem actually is.  Just that its something network related on your end.  Whether that's the router / modem configuration or something else I can't really say (I didn't see anything obvious in your previous diagnostics)

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17 minutes ago, Squid said:

If you reload the apps page and the date hasn't changed, then it's definitely not communicating with the outside world.  (A reboot would then have Apps actually return errors)


But, I don't know what the problem actually is.  Just that its something network related on your end.  Whether that's the router / modem configuration or something else I can't really say (I didn't see anything obvious in your previous diagnostics)


Ok - found what's causing it.  I'm running a Squid Proxy, when this is off then the plugins page updates correctly - when it's on - the Status is Unknown.  There is a setting to not cache certain domains - anyone know which domain the plugins page queries to get its updates?

Edited by Droid999
Cause found.
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1 hour ago, Droid999 said:


Ok - found what's causing it.  I'm running a Squid Proxy, when this is off then the plugins page updates correctly - when it's on - the Status is Unknown.  There is a setting to not cache certain domains - anyone know which domain the plugins page queries to get its updates?




The plugins page is checking network connectivity by calling http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt.  This is flagged as a Windows 10 Telemetry site in my proxy filter, and therefore blocked.  Unraid thinks there is no network connectivity, and doesn't attempt to get the status of plugins.


This functionality is within the file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/include/PluginHelpers.php


function check_plugin($arg, &$ncsi) {
// Get network connection status indicator (NCSI)
  if ($ncsi===null) passthru("wget --quiet --spider --timeout=10 --tries=1 http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt",$ncsi);
  return $ncsi===0 ? plugin('check',$arg) : false;

By whitelisting the msftncsi.com domain, the Plugins page displays the Status correctly.


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