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Random UID

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I'm new and testing unraid with a double usb drive, I have an issue with it:

disk are detected like this:


WDC_WD40_EFRX-68N32N0_RANDOM__3F4917AD758C-0:0 (sdb) 512 7814037168

WDC_WD40_EFRX-68N32N0_RANDOM__3F4917AD758C-0:1 (sdc) 512 7814037168


but ID in red change everytime unraid reboots, so my array can't autostart and I need to attach drive with the new ID

is there a way to fix manualy the ID of the disk? or to include a wildcard like


WDC_WD40_EFRX-68N32N0_RANDOM__*-0:0 (sdb) 512 7814037168

WDC_WD40_EFRX-68N32N0_RANDOM__*-0:1 (sdc) 512 7814037168


thanks for your help

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That's the problem (one of them at least) with using USB drives.  They may not report the serial numbers of the drives correctly.  As far as I know there is no way around this short of using an external that does not operate this way or only has a single drive.  


Beyond that, USB drives while they do work are not recommended for other reasons.  They may not report SMART attributes correctly for determining the drive(s) health, they are prone to disconnects etc.

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