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Unraid 6.5.3 - dyanmix local master plugin issues

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I've been using unraid for a while, but never did any real work with since set up was so easy.  Recently upgraded from 4.x.x version (can't remember exactly what version), to 6.5.3 and lost the ability to access the shares drives from Windows 10.  I've searched the forums and there seems to be many different causes for this.  One post I saw stated to make sure that the unraid server was the local master by installing the dynamix local master plugin.  I have attempted to install, but keep getting "unable to create parent directory" error.  Read that you can solve this by going into the flash drive and deleting the community.applications folder.  I have to delete the folder, but getting "rm: cannot remove 'community.applications': Read-only file system" message.  Doing an ls also shows invalid responses.  Is the flash drive corrupt, or is there another method that I can use to remove community.applications and install the plugin.




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Got mixed results when I rebooted the server.  The corruption did not get fixed, however, my initial problem of trying to access shares drives from windows 10 did get resolved.  I will call it a win.  

I need to finish transferring files over to the server, once I am done, I will power down and test the flash drive.


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