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[Solved] Cannot write to public unraid share

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Been stumped on this for quite some time - have tried everything.

Using unRAID 6.8.3 (latest version as of writing), with a share named 'media' (path /mnt/user/media)

I am currently using Ubuntu linux to try to access the share but I have tried it with many different linux distros with same failure.

The media share on unraid is set to public. I am able to access it and read using the file manager (Gnome) in Ubuntu. But when I try to write a file to it I receive this error:


Error while copying "myfile.mkv".
There was an error copying the file into smb://unraid/media/TV/ShowDir.

Permission denied


Note that I *CAN* write to the root "TV" share/directory but cannot to any of the directories within it.

I've tried everything, from a secure share with a named user (same username as my linux login), as well as NFS share, etc. For simplicity sake I'm trying to stick with SMB for now and if I can get this working I may switch to NFS.


Bottom line: I cannot write to any of the directories on the share, even though it is set to 'public' in unRAID.

Edited by mark2741
mention ability to write to root share dir
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