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Finished transferring data, need to add drives to array

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I've got 2 14tb drives mounted as unassigned and 4 8tb drives in an array. I moved all my data from the 14tb drives to the 8tb drives. I now need to add my 14tb drives to my array (one 14tb as parity).  When I tried to do this I got this error: 


You may not add new disk(s) and also remove existing disk(s).


What step am I missing? Also I would like to clear the 14tb drives of all data as well.

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I think Unraid may be getting confused by you trying to simultaneously trying to add a parity drive and a new data drive.   Have you tried doing them separately?   If you do not already have a parity drive then try adding the data drive first and then the parity drive as that will be faster.


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I did try and it gave the same error :(


What I ended up doing was start a new array with the 14tb drives and formatted them. Took down the array and started a new one with the 4 8tb drives with the newly formatted 14tb drives. It's syncing right now so it seems to be good to go!

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