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Parity Check 513 Errors

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Hi can someone please take a look at my diagnostics file. I started a parity check and it came back with 513 errors on disk 1. At the time I had 3 VMs running they all started to act very sluggish and eventually unresponsive. 


So I went into the Web UI on Unraid from a remote PC I stopped the parity check and Disk 1 went with a red X. I know stupid idea to stop the parity check at that point. I needed access to the VMs thought it was just the parity check that was making the system unresponsive. My plan was to run Parity Check later that night when I was in bed. After that I rebooted Unraid with a clean shutdown and it came back up with the red x still on disk 1.


I have been using Unraid on this PC for over a year I would think with very little issue. It runs 3 VMs 24/7 plus holds data for films and backups that kind of thing. I came back from work a couple of days ago and all the VMs where off. After investigating I found that Unraid had completely stopped responding. I had no way to access the Web UI. Had to do a hard power off never had to do that before. When it came back up it had pretty much wiped my BIOS. Had to go back in and turn back on the virtualization to get the VMs back up and running. Been working fine for last few says since then.


This is the first parity check I have run since that day. Guessing it might be something to do with the dirty shutdown that caused the issue. But I have no idea. I would be grateful if someone would please take a look and see if its a dead drive or fixable.




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