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Most RELIABLE UnRAID version ??


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Just curious what the long-time users opinions are r.e. the most stable, reliable version of UnRAID.


I have a test server I put together last summer that now has 145 days of Uptime running v4.5.4


I just built a new, larger server with a Pro license and used 4.5.6 ... so far it seems very stable (but it's only been about a week).    I noticed in reviewing the various posts that there were several "whoops" in the releases over the past year -- 4.5.3;  4.5.5;  and the abortive 4.5.7 & 4.5.8 releases.


I just want this to be a "use-it-and-forget" box ... rarely (if ever) upgrading it except for failed disks [i've already got it fully populated] => so I want to use the most rock-solid release available.    I also plan to build one more virtually identical box in the next few months.


My SOLE purpose for these servers is storage -- the only add-in I need is UPS control ... so I've installed UnMenu and added the clean shutdown and APC UPS control packages.    No need for anything more exotic -- but I want the most rock-solid, stable system I can get.


The only "glitch" I've noted in 4.5.4 (which is also in 4.5.6) is the "too many files" error with Windows 7 when copying large numbers of files ... but this is easily fixed by adding the "ulimit -n 20000" line to ident.cfg (thanks to Joe L for this !!)      With that change, these seem like VERY stable releases.


Just interested in other opinions/experiences.


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