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Powerloss shutdown with UPS (NUT) - specify delay before force?

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Hiya, i'm pretty sure there's a/some settings somewhere for shutting down gracefully with powerloss on UPS. I live in an area that tends to have at least a couple of power outages a year.


I know the NUT can set how long on UPS before it does the poweroff procedure, but i'm trying to find settings that pertain to how long it gives the system before it forces the issue. This is mainly to make sure the VMs and Dockers have enough time.


I'm sure i've seen some settings somewhere but i cannot find them - i've been looking and searching the forums for half an hour.



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For VMs:

Settings -> VM Manager -> VM Shutdown time-out - you can also set VMs to hibernate instead of shutting down, which is usually faster and avoids Windows deciding to update on that shutdown (requires QEMU guest tools installed).


For array in general:

Settings -> Disk Setting -> Shutdown Time-out - Should be longer than VM shutdown time-out


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