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Flash Backup NGINX Timed Out

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I am having issues backing up the flash drive for my UNRAID server. Through the normal method via 'Main', 'Flash' and 'Flash Backup', it just constantly display 'Please wait... creating Flash backup zip file (this may take serveral minutes'. However, I have not been able to successfully get a zip file download of the backup for a few months now. I have tried new Edge, Chrome, Opera and Firefox, with no success, turning off pop-up blockers and disabling adblock.


I have tried searching the forums and web to no avail. I have tried shutting down docker and vms before performing backup. All no success. I have attached a diagnostics file. Note that I have just restarted my docker, hence the logs show otherwise.


I always see this error popping up in the logs a minute or two after clicking the 'Flash Backup': Apr 18 00:36:16 Athena nginx: 2020/04/18 00:36:16 [error] 7830#7830: *3866 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /webGui/include/Download.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "", referrer: ""


P.S. Through terminal, I used the 'HTOP' command to see whether the flash backup process is working. Yes, it is, I can see a process that cycling through multiple .REC files with the process (I can't recall the full name) -zip p <server name><time/date> xxxx.REC. At the same time, I am monitoring the log, once the above stated error comes out, the backup process is still operational, but once it finishes and disappears, there is no download, nor any download dialogue popping out as per my browser settings.


Is there a solution to this or is it isolated event for my server. I have not had the chance the backup my flash drive for about 4 months now, so I am keen to get it done asap. 




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Hey, I think I managed to solve it somewhat. After accessing the contents of the flash drive, I found thousands of FSCKxxxx.rec files. No idea what those are. I kept those .rec files in the backup, but deleted them from the flash drive. Now, when I invoke the flash backup operation on the WEB GUI, the .zip file downloads in a few seconds.


Wonder if the .rec files were the cause of it, and whether the .rec files signify some issue with the server?

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4 minutes ago, xDayTx said:

Hey, I think I managed to solve it somewhat. After accessing the contents of the flash drive, I found thousands of FSCKxxxx.rec files. No idea what those are. I kept those .rec files in the backup, but deleted them from the flash drive. Now, when I invoke the flash backup operation on the WEB GUI, the .zip file downloads in a few seconds.


Wonder if the .rec files were the cause of it, and whether the .rec files signify some issue with the server?

The FSCK files will get created when corruption is detected on the flash drive.   If they keep appearing then the flash drive is probably on the way out and will need replacing.   

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