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Just a general question

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So I'm running a --rebuild-tree on two data disks. 

Just wondering if anyone knows why it always sloooooooooows to a crawl at the end?

There are no errors in the log, the /s rating just drops. It starts at 36/s or so in stage two and then drops to 8/s (see image).

There is, obviously disk activity in the GUI but it's taking DAYS to complete the check - during which users get upset because the shares are offline.

I know REISER is deprecated and I should be moving to XFS but the process for that scares the crap outta me :)

Anyway, just wondering if anyone has a guess why this occurs - is it a configuration issue on my end? Hardware? OR is it "just the way" it is?

Please don't take this as a criticism or complaint, just curiosity. :)




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7 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

There have been reports of taking days even after it's done, in the syncing stage, would recommend converting any reiserfs drives ASAP, it's not a recommended fs for many years now..

Understood... I'm just a bit nervous about the "conversion" process... I wish there were a way to just swap a data drive and have it rebuild as the new FS (I know, not possible). The other thing that would be amazing (again, probably not possible) would be to have the disks in "error" complete their processes WHILE the contents are emulated, then have the corrected data updated somehow afterward. 


Again, I know not possible, just the extremely exhausted, delerious ramblings of a worried mind :)

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