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Wireless Network Help/Support


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We recently moved into a new home.  The basement is finished and the office place in which the internet will come into our router will not support me to have my unraid server in the same room.  The house is not wired with any CAT cable nor can it be without tearing out drywall.  My question is this.  Is there anyway I can buy something to make my UNRAID server wireless and be able to connect to my wireless network?  We do use the UNRAID server for music and movie streaming.  It will be in the next room from the wireless router so it won't be far.  I was not sure if it was possible to connect to some sort of mesh or something like that.  I don't know much about wireless or networking other then plugging stuff in and connecting a device to it, Which is why I'm asking for some help.

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2 hours ago, Squid said:


I've been reading a lot on the net over the last day about this.  Would purchasing another good wireless router AC or better and connecting it to the UNRAID server as a bridge, Would that work?  From what I've read powerline networking would have major speeds issues, But I could be wrong and it's just what I've been gathering from my reads.  Again, Can't trust everything you read.  I don't mind spending the money, I just want the most full proof way to run the server wireless and maintain good speeds for streaming and data transfers.

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