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6.8.0 Mover not moving any files

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Hi guys new to unraid over here. I recently got my cache drives set up and it was working fine until recently it got stuck at around 108GB full and it wont move anything to the array, everytime i try to start it and it sits there and does nothing, here is what I have from the log.
"Apr 23 17:41:25 Tower emhttpd: req (22): cmdStartMover=Move now&csrf_token=****************
Apr 23 17:41:25 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (135): /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null &"

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What is the path for files that you want moved that are not being moved?  

For files to be moved to the array:

  1. The Use cache setting for the share must be set to Yes
  2. The files must not be open
  3. The files must not already exist on the array.

You have a share which starts with M that satisfies point 1, but I am not sure if this is your problem one?

it is worth noting that any share that has Use Cache = Prefer will mean files should be moved from array to cache.   This is normally used for shares such as ‘appdata’ where the increased performance of holding them on the cache is desirable.


Your ‘system’ share has files on both the disk1 and cache,.   This share is normally used to support docker and VMs.    If you want files associated with those services to be moved to the cache then you need the Docker and VM services to be disabled when you run mover to satisfy point 2.


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Your appdata, domains, and system shares are supposed to be on cache, and they are on cache (except some of system is on the array as noted). Those are set to stay on cache, they are supposed to stay on cache as explained, and you don't want them moved from cache. These are the only shares still on cache.


Your "M---" share is set to cache-yes, and it has all been moved to the array.


Sorry if I have mostly just repeated what was already said, but this is the way you have it set up, this is the right way to have it set up, and it is working as intended.


Except you need to get rid of the duplicate system files on disk1.


You can see how much of each disk each user share is using by going to Shares - User Shares and clicking Compute... or use the Compute All button.

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14 minutes ago, AliceAlipheese said:

I disabled cache in all my shares minus my media share which is the only one i use, and it still won't free up that 108GB that is stuck on the cache, what gives?

I assume you mean you did all this after you posted the diagnostics. And probably you mean you have set all of the other shares to cache-no. Mover won't move cache-no shares, and as explained, you don't want those moved. Set appdata, domains, and system back to cache-prefer or even cache-only.

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It isn't stuck there. You can reconfigure things so it gets moved, but why do you want to? appdata, domains, and system shares are better left on cache so your dockers and VMs performance will not be affected by the slower parity writes, and so your dockers and VMs will not keep array disks spinning.


Since it sounds like you have made some changes since those diagnostics you posted earlier, post new diagnostics so we can see what your current situation is.

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OK, the folder on cache doesn't actually have any contents.


Go to Settings - Docker, disable and delete docker image.


Delete the system folder from disk1.


Enable docker again and docker image will be created on cache where it belongs.


You can install all of your dockers with all their settings just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page.

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