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Parity Check Sync Errors Corrected 13624

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I am running Unraid 6.8.0 and i havent done a parity check in a long time. I have dual parity drives.

I ran a parity check and i got Sync Errors Corrected: 13624.

I had 1 drive in my array with a few bad sectors.

So does this mean that my parity will also be corrupt?

Will my other data on other disks get corrupted?

Or does this mean that parity fixed the data on the drive that was not readable due to bad sectors?

Thanks for the help. 

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These sync errors are unrelated to a disk problem.


Do you think that i should replace the disk with bad sectors?

Which disk is it? You have too many for me to look at all SMART reports.


Also just for my understanding, when parity checking fixes errors is it changing data in the parity drives or the data drives?

Sync errors are always corrected on parity, never on data drives.


Also is it possible the parity checking with fixed errors can cause data to be corrupted?

No, it is possible is some rare cases to corrupt parity if there are read errors on a disk during a correcting check, hence why it's recommended that parity checks should always be non correct unless errors are expected, like after an unclean shutdown.



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Looks mostly fine, there a single Reported_Uncorrect error, unless it keeps increasing it's fine, but you should run regular parity checks, once a month is usually the recommendation, it will catch any issues since it does a complete surface scan on all disks, basically same as an extended SMART test.

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