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Plugins can be intalled but afterwards are not


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Hello Guys,


i'm new to unraid und properly doing something wrong.


Quick sumup of what was done. I installed unraid on an HP Microserver Gen8 (16GB ECC, Xeon 1230V2, SAS Controller LSI9211-8i, 4 HDD Plus Cache Drive).

After that i created an Array with one parity drive and added an ssd as cache drive. So far all good. I went on and installed the community plugin/app.


I started to install some dockers aswell as plugins which all worked fine. But out of a sudden i coulnd't install now more plugins (dockers work).

I can install them an get the "DONE" buttton but after that they are not installed. They also showup in the "appstore" as not installed.


I hope for little bit of help and guess i messed something up, but couldnt find a thread for this problem. 


Thanks a lot for your help.

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Hello Squid, 


shame on me, everything is back working know. I noticed that the package downloads failed because i installed AD Guard and used it as DNS.

Somehow my unraid server couldn't resolve the package adresses anymore.


Thanks for your fast support.

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