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Hi all, i had an issue with my unraid box that Squid kindly helped with, a strange coincidence that i hope someone can explain, when my unraid box crashed everything on my ethernet network could not see an ethernet cable was plugged in. that was the error message, at first i didnt know it was my unraid box that had crashed so was doing lots of checks, as soon as i booted up my unraid box everything started working again. any explanation anyone?


no i looked at pihole after watching Spaceinvaderone`s youtube video but i am still a Newbie so didnt want to risk locking myself out of my internet, lan etc, i have just installed a new router as that is what i thought the issue was so i know that DNS & DHCP are controlled by the router, i didnt mention in my first post that when the ethernet problem ocurred everything that was connected wireless still worked.



My guess would be that the server NIC was trapped in a state that it that it took down the Ethernet switch down.  Not sure if you have a separate switch or a combined Router, switch and Wireless access point.   All of these devices are employ small dedicated computers (SOC) and can also be crashed by unexpected events/activity on their inputs.  Modern 'Routers' are complex devices and the exact way they implement the various functions that they are expected to perform in hardware will depend on their cost.  Cheap ones probably have a one SOC and the more expensive ones have an SOC for each function.


ok thanks for the reply, as long as things keep working great, i am doing lots of research/learning and will probably make the jump at some point from my Netgear D6400 to PF Sense but still not confident enough.

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