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SABnzb Container doesn't create files with proper permissions for network share

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Hey all,


Having some issues troubleshooting this one.


I have the linuxserver sabNZB docker, and the qbittorrent docker. They both download to the same directory '/mnt/user/Downloads'.

I -have- set PUID and PGID to 99/100, and UMASK to 000 for both containers.


However, whenever I download something using SAB, the files created don't have proper permissions to be modified by windows/linux machines accessing the drive via SMB. The machines can read the files, but can't move/delete/modify. The files created by qbittorrent's container are fine though(can be deleted/moved/etc), and they both have same permission settings as far as I'm aware. I have to run docker safe new permissions in order to allow windows/linux machines to move them.


Has anyone run into this before? Any suggestions?

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