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share issue, possibly.

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I turned on usershares, and selected export read/write so I would be able to access and use them. I changed the name of my tower box to another name and now I can't see any of these shares through my Windows network hood. I've also attached the syslog, so someone can take a peek at why this is happening. I was able to see disk1/disk2/disk3/disk4/disk5 and my flash drive before. Now, nothing. Sorry, since I can't access any of my shares I'm not sure how to get a syslog out of it.




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You don't have any shares to access??


You have to have an actual user share, to be able to see anything.. as of right now you don't have any shares...


I'm confused




Disk shares and the flash share should be available. Have you tried connecting using the IP address.

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Ok, I didn't even try to access them via IP address after the name change. When I use the IP address I see the exports ok. I'll try to reset everything on my network to see if I can get things back in sync again here. Right now I didn't want any user shares, so I just enabled exports of the disk mounts. But, thanks!




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