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Emby in docker & VAAPI not working

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I tried everything to get hardware acceleration working on my system:


Asrock J4105 mITX

Unraid 6.8.3


Whenever I try to transcode a file the cpu load will go up to 100%, so VAAPI is not working.


Please have a look at the screenshots:














Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Edited by Civic1201
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42 minutes ago, switch said:

Looks like you're passing through the device incorrectly. Pass just /dev/dri, not /dev/dri/renderD128. See if that helps.


37 minutes ago, Civic1201 said:

Same result as before with renderD128...

Open up an Unraid terminal and try this:

docker exec -it embyserver /bin/bash

This'll effectively take you into a terminal session inside of your Emby container.

Once you're in, type the follwing commands and paste their output here.

ls -la /dev/dri

The vainfo package will most likely not be installed inside the Emby container, assuming it is based on Ubuntu, install it via

sudo apt update && sudo apt install vainfo


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This will give me this result:


Linux 4.19.107-Unraid.
Last login: Thu May 21 19:53:23 +0200 2020 on /dev/pts/0.
root@Tower:~# docker exec -it EmbyServer /bin/bash
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"/bin/bash\": stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory": unknown



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Then the container doesn't have a bash shell. Try opening up the terminal by clicking on the container icon in the docker manager and select Console.


Also, have you tried linuxserver's version of the Emby container? May be worth a shot.

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Unraid is based on Slackware. What's important is, what's used as the base for the Emby container. Could be Alpine, could be Arch, Ubuntu...

There is something wrong with the passthrough setup, the output should look like this:


root@optiplex:/# ls -la /dev/dri
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root                80 May 17 19:20 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root               360 May 17 19:20 ..
crw-rw---- 1 root video         226,   0 May 17 19:20 card0
crw-rw---- 1 root videouYsyOXiq 226, 128 May 17 19:20 renderD128

You're missing the card0 device completely. Ditch the official Emby container and try using Linuxserver's.



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2 minutes ago, Civic1201 said:

Same result without sudo.

So should I try the container you mentioned?


Don't know what the official Emby container uses as it's base. What I know is it does not use apt as it's package manager :D

Yes, try linuxserver's version of the container.

And please post output of ls -la /dev/dri from the Unraid terminal as well.

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With the official EmbySever container, follow the instructions here, substituting Emby where appropriate:


Then go to Main -> Flash -> Syslinux Configuration -> Unraid OS

and change the line:

append initrd=/bzroot


append initrd=/bzroot intel_iommu=igfx_off

Hit "Apply" and reboot.


At this point hardware encoding should be working but the video output will be garbled. Follow instructions here to resolve that:


Edited by CS01-HS
  • Thanks 1
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6 minutes ago, CS01-HS said:

With the official EmbySever container, follow the instructions here, substituting Emby where appropriate:


Then go to Main -> Flash -> Syslinux Configuration -> Unraid OS

and change the line:

append initrd=/bzroot


append initrd=/bzroot intel_iommu=igfx_off

Hit "Apply" and reboot.


At this point hardware encoding should be working but the video output will be garbled. Follow instructions here to resolve that:


I will try that, thanks for the advice.


With the new container I get this in Emby.


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