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[SOLVED] Shares Missing - Array not starting after reboot

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Morning all,

I'm having a rough start to this week and things this morning are just compounding it xD

I woke up this morning to my unRAID being very grumpy. VMs had crashed, dockers stopped, and as I'm looking through things I found that my system listed no shares, uh-oh, but it still showed the data in use on the array. Immediate fears alleviated some. Checking the system log I saw some 'out of memory' errors and I fear I threw too much of a queue at my YouTube-DL container and it's caused a slew of issues.

I stopped whatever dockers thought they were running from the webUI, stopped and restarted the array but the shares still showed as missing.


So I tried a reboot. Everything went through the startup without issue, until I went to start my array. It's been sitting at 'starting array' for about 15 minutes now and I'm starting to grow weary.


I'm attaching two diagnostics. One from before the reboot and another from after.


I'm leaving things sit for now as I don't want to poke at it too much more than I already have.


Any input appreciated.



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3 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Try booting in safe mode, might be something blocking normal start.

Is there a 'safe' method for making the array stop? It's still sitting at starting with no updates in the log and the normal stop button is greyed out

Edited by fiore00713
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4 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Try typing "reboot" on the console, if it doesn't after 5 minutes you'll need to force it.

Reboot worked, booted into safe mode and everything started up okay

Rebooted into normal and array started up as normal, shares are there, things seem happy so far


Sorry for the panic-post but I appreciate your quick assistance

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Shares Missing - Array not starting after reboot

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