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Best way to stop disks being used ?

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Sounds simple, but is it simply a case of excluding disks? I now have my disks full to capacity with a margin, 5%, just in case. I've tried excluding every full disk but still shares are trying to use the 'margin' if free space with calamitous results. How do I just stop a disk from being picked for writes by the system? Told you it was simple 😏

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The content is now static. There's a couple of empty disks available but still content goes to the 'full' disks and then requires to be manually shifted, a real pita! I've tried the exclude/include trucks, doesn't seem to work. Min free space param, no luck there either. There must be a way to 'lockdown' a disk..

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You also want to check the Split Level setting for the shares in question.    If there is contention between the various share settings for choosing a disk for a new file then the Split Level setting always wins.   Having a too restrictive value can make Unraid try to write a new file to a disk that does not have enough space for it.

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