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Unexpected directories and files at /mnt

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Hi folks, I just received a notification from the "Fix Common Problems" plugin that I have two issues, an "invalid folder .freeipmi contained within /mnt" and a file " .wget-hsts present within /mnt". I SSHed into my server I saw there are also directories called /.config and /.local in with /mnt. These have never existed before and I haven't recently added any new plugins to my server that would have created them. I also checked all of my docker container mappings and none are linked to these directories. I then tried deleting them but they reappeared. Upon further inspection .cache and .config seem to be related to Midnight Commander as they both a directory called mc in them. In the .local directory I found the following structure: /.local/share/mc/mcedit. The /.freeipmi directory has a subdirecotry called sdr-cache with a file in it called sdr-cache-<my-server-name>.localhost

The only thing I recently changed was adding passwordless login via ssh by adding the authorized_keys file to /boot/config/ssh/root.pubkeys, copying /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /boot/config/ssh, and adding line `AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/%u.pubkeys`.


Any ideas what could be generating these files? Thanks!


Edited by xthursdayx
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  • 2 weeks later...

10:1 it's a misconfigured docker app creating them, but since you've ruled that out, the likely suspect is IPMI tools plugin.   Removing the plugin and deleting those folders followed by a restart should tell you.  If it is creating them, then should should post in it's support thread.

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