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Hi wondering if anyone has any suggestions I am preclearing all the drives in my array , most of them get speeds of around 40/50MB/s to 130MB/s depending on what they are doing , I have 1 drive however which is going super slow drive model name is : ST2000DM001-1E6164_W1E7DZNH 

BELOW is my unraid pre clear log during its pre-read cycle which has now been running for 24 hours JUST ON THE PRE READ.....

############################################################################################################################ # # # unRAID Server Preclear of disk W1E7DZNH # # Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64. # # # # # # Step 1 of 5 - Pre-read in progress: (14% Done) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ** Time elapsed: 24:48:39 | Current speed: 1 MB/s | Average speed: 3 MB/s # # # ############################################################################################################################ # Cycle elapsed time: 24:49:13 | Total elapsed time: 24:49:13 # ############################################################################################################################ ############################################################################################################################ # # # S.M.A.R.T. Status (device type: default) # # # # # # ATTRIBUTE INITIAL STATUS # # 5-Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 - # # 9-Power_On_Hours 8294 - # # 183-Runtime_Bad_Block 2 - # # 184-End-to-End_Error 0 - # # 187-Reported_Uncorrect 0 - # # 190-Airflow_Temperature_Cel 32 - ->Failed in Past<- # # 197-Current_Pending_Sector 0 - # # 198-Offline_Uncorrectable 0 - # # 199-UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 173175 - # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED # ############################################################################################################################

Finally I have all these drives attached to an ablecon pcie 3.0 sata III 10 port expansion card and i have changed the sata cable and tried a sata port on the motherboard for this 1 drive,
Is it just a case of a bad drive at this point???

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I will post that when I can figure out how to, (I downloaded the Zip) , also I noticed a weird quirk I started a pre clear again but this time ONLY on this drive and it started running at over 180MB/s as soon as I start another disk at the same time this one drops to 1MB-6MB/s no matter what phase its on! 

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