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[SOLVED] 6.8.3 - Machine Check Events detected

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your MCE seems to stem from this

MCA: Generic CACHE Level-2 Eviction Error

but it was corrected so I guess no real issue and it seems to be the only occurrence of it in your system.


You could try accessing the IPMI logs and see if anything else was reported there.


I would monitor it further and make sure that it doesn't show up again.  I would also make sure that nothing is overclocked (CPU).  You could try to update the BIOS and see if that offers any improvement with updated microcode (you're two releases behind), but I'm not a poweredge user so I don't know if that would open up another can of worms.

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  • rbjap changed the title to [SOLVED] 6.8.3 - Machine Check Events detected

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