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Abysmal write speeds

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Cheers everyone,


I am currently in the process of setting up a new homeserver as my Synology 218j did just not have the storage space and power that i needed.

Current Hardware:

Asrock J4105 mini-itx board

8 GB Ram

4x 8TB WD Red as the array, connected to the onboard-sata controllers (one is the processors intel one, the other one's a on-board ASMedia ASM1061).

2x 1TB 2,5" 5400 Disks that i'd like to use as either cache or unassigned disks for my dockers, vms and such as they don't consume a lot of power and are a lot less noisy that the big reds. Those are running of of a cheap chinese marvell 88SE9125 pci-e sata-controller.


Network connection is established via the onboard controller (Gbit lan) plus another usb gbit lan adapter (for shit's and giggles, i don't expect the system to saturate 2 gbit-ports and i don't need it to).


Currently, the 2 2,5" disks configured as a cache pool, balance is set to raid 0 (for max. speed, more on that in a sec.). The WD Reds are more or less empty, parity has been calculated (after the 3rd try - thx to badly shielded sata cables).


So far, setting up the system was great, everything was easy to understand, (almost) no fiddling around with config files and such. But:

My write speeds are hopeless. I am aware that this is unraid's great weakness, but I am getting between 5 and 15 Megabytes/sec out of the damn thing.


Here's what i've tried/checked already:

- Activated "turbo-writes" aka reconstruct write - no change in speeds

- Activated and deactivated caching (cache yes, cache no, disabling the cache disks completely) for the share i am writing to (currently that's the appdata share) - no change in speeds

- switched cache pool from auto to raid 0 (more out of desparation, because i really don't want my cache to be susceptible for data loss) to no avail.

- I've checked hdparm and all disks have write-caching enabled.

- Unplugged the 2nd LAN-adapter - nothing.


I've tested transfer speeds by writing to an smb share from a windows machine, also connected via Gbit-LAN.


Any tips?

I'd really like to use UNRAID instead of OMV or ubuntu (tested both, not as nice as unraid), but transferring my 5 TB of data to the array at those speeds would take me 2 whole Weeks. Not gonna happen :D - Help!


Edited by DerInternets
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For whatever reason my Server just descided that it is able to do things more quickly - after several hours of one to two-digit transfer speeds it now delivers roughly a 100 Megabytes / sec when writing directly to the array.


I have no idea what the problem was but it seems that it solved itself. I will now revert back to raid 1 for the cache drives, restart and then transfer all my media to the array. Fingers crossed the first 2 TB will be transferred by midnight.

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