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SSMTP and revaliases?


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Just installed the mail and ssmtp package and trying to test it out.  I'm getting an error


ssmtp: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender


In looking over the debug output it's getting


MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>


In doing so research on ssmtp it appears I'd need to use the revaliases file to remap root to my email address which is permitted to sent through the server.


Where do I edit or create the revaliases file on the flash drive so it gets installed?




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I've never used that feature...

From my brief google search, the file is created in



You'll be the first to use it I know on unRAID, but that just means your email provider is just a bit more picky than some others.


As far as its contents, google is your guide.  It will probably also need to not be world writable.


The ssmtp.conf file used by the program you installed through unMENU is at copied to


and used there by ssmtp.


You'll need to re-create the revaliases file every time you reboot, so you can add lines to your config/go script to copy a file on your boot drive into place.

Something like this at the end of the config/go script will do to copy a file you create located at /boot/revaliases into place every time you reboot:

cp /boot/revaliases /usr/local/etc/ssmtp/revaliases


Let me know how this works out... I can add a new field in the package manager config screen to create the file once we figure out how to use it.   Your experience may help others who follow.


Joe L.

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Thanks for the structure primer there.... got it and all is working well now with a minor tweak.


1) Install ssmtp package

2) Create from scratch or grab from the flash at \packages\ssmtp\revaliases


Format is simple:

# sSMTP aliases


root:[email protected]


3) Place that in the root of the flash

4) Edit \config\go on the flash and stick this after the auto_install call


cp /boot/revaliases /usr/local/etc/ssmtp/revaliases


I had one last false start there.  Apparently it looks in the same location as the ssmtp.conf.  Anyway a quick full reboot to test everything and a manual call of /etc/cron.hourly/smtp_status.sh ended up with an email 1 second later.


I'm using myhosting.com with a hosted Exchange account and domain.  Apparently they are wee bit touchy about their SMTP server.


Thanks again... now on to Crashplan.


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  • 1 month later...

Same issue, I coped the file to the root of boot, edited with a valid email address in the org and added

"cp /boot/revaliases /usr/local/etc/ssmtp/revaliases" to "go" file after packages install line just as edentel stated/tested...


God bless you edentel, I was pulling hair out. I would have never figured this out. We allow any relaying of an internal subnet but this thing actually makes a connection... that why it wants credentials and all. Is there something that can be added to allow to just relay for does who can, etc... I hate adding credentials to anything. had to create an account just for unRAID to use, so it got hacked, etc due to this plain test input in the unmenu, I could just kill that account/mailbox no prev. to anything in the network.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

I apologize for resurrecting this old thread, but I am trying to configure the ssmtp package to send mail to my yahoo account.


I have the fields set as follows:

Forward "root" email to: [email protected]
Email server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com:587
Use TLS: Yes
Mail ID: email2
Mail Password: myPassword
Mail Domain: yahoo.com
From Line Override: Yes
Re-write Domain:
RevAliases = root:[email protected].


However, when I run a test with:


echo -e "Subject: a test\n\nThis is the email body." | ssmtp -d root


The MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> is used and so I get an error from yahoo saying "From address not verified - see ..."


I checked the /usr/local/etc/ssmtp directory and it does contain a revaliases.conf file with root:[email protected].


How do I get ssmtp to use the [email protected] instead of [email protected] for the From field?


I am running unRAID 5.0.5.



It turns out the revaliases.conf file should be named revaliases (without the .conf).  I renamed the file and it fixed the problem.  Can we have the ssmtp package fix to name the file revaliases and not revaliases.conf in the /usr/local/etc/ssmtp directory?  I believe the man page for ssmtp specify revaliases and not revaliases.conf.

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  • 10 months later...


Sorry for waking up this topic, but I think that I have a very similar issue with SSMTP.


I've tried to use the revaliases to relay local mailboxes to our mail servers but failed.


As mifronte tried to use plain user name, the following example fails to deliver:

  echo "yarden testing workstation"|mail -s 'workstation testing' yarden


But when I use ssmtp directly, the mail gets delivered:

  ssmtp -d yarden < /home/yarden/Downloads/example_email


UPDATE: ssmtp is installing sendmail interface, using it also succeeds sending the mail from the local account (e.g. root or yarden)



Why this difference exists?


Thank you!


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Not around here.


If you are running unRAID v6, try posting again in the General Support (V6) board, where you'll get a lot more eyeballs.  You are going to need a higher level of Linux support than is generally found around here.

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