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Erros on disk 8

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@johnnie.black, I decided to clean my server when you mentionned that CPU was overheating. A lot of dust has been removed.


Disk4 is clearly dead, but content is still emulated thanks to parity drive.

I've plugged a fresh new 4 To drive that I added to the array.

This new drive (disk12) has been automatically cleaned up and formatted into Reiserfs.

Parity check has not detected any error, even on disk8 (that previously shown 256 errors - maybe overheating with dust?)


Then, I started to copy the emulated content of the failed disk4 directly into this new disk via terminal (mc with RenMov).

After 180 Go transferred, something went wrong and array freezed.

I had to make an uncleaned shutdown to restart server.

Now, my new drive is stuck at "mounting". New uncleaned shutdown to restart.


I started array into safe mode, but it still stuck at mounting status.

I also tried to reiserfsck  disk12 without success.


What should I do ?




Edited by neuk34
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Thanks @johnnie.black After few hours, my array is now alive as you predicted.

I launched a new parity check, and my disk 8 is unfortunately still showing 128 errors, with disk4 disabled.

Do you think that I should be able to rebuild disk4 if I plug a new fresh disk replacement, or it won't work?


Should I :

- transfer emulated content through terminal from parity -disk4 to disk12

- buy a new fresh disk to recover disk8 datas thanks to ddrescue


what do you recommend?

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