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Replacement disk rebuilt and then forgotten

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I have rebuilt a replacement drive twice, and it is asking me to do it for a third time.  The procedure I used was to stop my array, select no device for the drive I was going to upgrade, then power off, then I swapped drives, then booted and had a difficult time getting connected to the network, kept getting 169 IP.  Eventually I got that sorted out with the Ethernet cable, and it booted on the network, I chose the new replacement drive and the rebuild started.  At this point I noticed that the recycle bin plugin is not visible in the settings page, and that I can install it, but it never shows the gear icon, only the install button, in community applications. 


The rebuild finishes, and I had another replacement drive, so I stop the array, and change a drive to no device, I think it was at this point I noticed that the first replacement drive was listed as no device, so that made 2 no device slots, which is no good with single parity.  I quickly changed both assignments to the correct drives and a rebuild started.  I made diagnostics during that rebuild, after it finished, and when I just rebooted a couple of minutes ago, and the same issue is present. 


I noticed in the history under array operations, that the rebuilds are not being listed after they are done.  The last thing listed was my beginning of month parity check.  Could this be a bad USB flash drive issue?  I have heard you can check the drive for errors in windows, and that sometimes fixes issues.  I have the drive plugged in to an internal USB2 header.


edit: Just noticed an email from 20 minutes ago:

Event: USB flash drive failure
Subject: Alert [FLAGS] - USB drive is not read-write
Description: Cruzer_Glide_3.0 (sda)
Importance: alert


going to try "Put flash in your PC and let it checkdisk." from @trurl

flags-diagnostics-20200908-0722.zip flags-diagnostics-20200908-0715.zip flags-diagnostics-20200907-1408.zip

Edited by bobobeastie
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24 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You have a flash drive problem, filesystem is read-only, so Unraid can't update super.dat with the new disk info, run chkdsk on the flash drive.

Windows 10 basically didn't recognize the drive, was going to try to get a new flash backup, but now the box boots to the BIOS screen, so I am going to try with a flash backup from early yesterday.  Good thing the recycle bin plugin made me suspect the flash drive.  I'm now following the directions here: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Changing_The_Flash_Device didn't realize it could take a local zip file of the flash backup, that's pretty cool.  I expect/hope that when I boot with it, recycle bin settings are visible and once the drive rebuild is done again, it will be done for good.


edit: So far so good, recycle bin is visible and rebuild started.  Should probably older a couple of whatever a search finds to be most dependable flash drives for unraid are.  thank you @JorgeB

Edited by bobobeastie
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