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WHat am I doing wrong? 100% Disk FULL!


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I'm new to UNRAID, but I thought I understood what I was doing.

Started copying 3TB of files to my media share which is on two disks. one disk had 400GB left (an according to my share settings only 200GB of this disk should have been useable as I have a 200GB free space limit set on ALL of my disks and shares....or so I thought.

The second disk is EMPTY (<1% used).

This is what I woke up to:  https://imgur.com/a/SYrcd1R

What am I doing wrong? My MEDIA share should have spanned Disks 1 and 2 (10TB and 8TB respectively.) I'm beginning to not trust what I'm doing here.

Files were moved from my QNAP NAS using Krusader. See here: https://imgur.com/2NosrvL



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12 hours ago, trurl said:

If you tried to copy them all in one batch, then probably Krusader created the empty folders in advance. Those empty folders all went to one disk because they didn't take much space. Then it copied the files into those already created empty folders.

I did try and copy them in one batch. I think that is exactly what happened. Is there a better tool to copy files across? I took 4TB of files and dragged them to the media/movies share expecting that unraid would do its thing. Exactly what you described actually happened. Krusader did make folders for all of the movies almost instantly and then spent the next few hours filling the folders.


Fortunately I was able to retrieve the files from the Recyle Bin of the NAS. Should I just use Windows file manager to move files (much slower on my network at around 15MB/s rather than the 80+MB/s I get using Krusader directly.


Or is there a setting I'm missing in Krusader or do I need to be more carefull with using this tool?


Thank-you in advance.


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35 minutes ago, r0bs said:

I did try and copy them in one batch. I think that is exactly what happened. Is there a better tool to copy files across? I took 4TB of files and dragged them to the media/movies share expecting that unraid would do its thing. Exactly what you described actually happened. Krusader did make folders for all of the movies almost instantly and then spent the next few hours filling the folders.


Fortunately I was able to retrieve the files from the Recyle Bin of the NAS. Should I just use Windows file manager to move files (much slower on my network at around 15MB/s rather than the 80+MB/s I get using Krusader directly.


Or is there a setting I'm missing in Krusader or do I need to be more carefull with using this tool?


Thank-you in advance.


I notice that you have that share set to Split Level = 1.   That means that as soon as a folder is created under that share then all contained folders/files will be constrained to the disk where that folder is created.   If I understand your paths correctly then this means that the contained Movies folder can not be split across disks.  Since Split Level is over-rides other settings such as Allocation Method and Minimum Free Space in the event of contention then Maybe you need a more relaxed Split Level setting?


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I'm not sure split level matters in this scenario. My experience with rsync, for example, is that it also created all the subfolders in advance. At that point nothing to split.


Here is the way I handled this when I noticed it happening. When it began to actually copy files, it went in alphabetical order of the folders. I just started at the other end of the alphabet and moved folders it hadn't copied yet to other disks.

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