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Poor Unraid performance

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Hi all, i’m looking for some help to see if i can finally get to the bottom of why my server seems to be performing poorly so i can fix it. I have a desktop that i turned into my unraid server which has a i7-7700K 4.20GHz, 8GB DDR4, GTX 1060 that i use for harware transcoding in plex, Prime Z270-A motherboard, 128GB ssd cache drive, ST2000VN004 as my parity drive with 2 - WD20EARFX and 1 - WD1001FALS as my storage. (I know the drives aren’t the best). So my problem is that my server periodically freezes or becomes unresponsive when using it. It also seems to struggle with multiple plex streams. I have 1000Mbps ethernet and if i have 2 streams they start to buffer and the server will even freeze sometimes. I’ve also had dockers disappear. I can also be using Radarr or Sonarr and something as simple as just using the docker will cause the server to become unresponsive and going back to the docker page will show no dockers. Eventually leaving it will bring it back to normal operation but i just haven’t been pleased with the performance of my server and it has always disappointed me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If the equipment i have isn’t very good for a server, i’d be up for scrapping it and making something that will work better. I know there probably isn’t a simple answer to this but if i can get to the bottom of this with some help it would be great. Thanks again! 

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The system share exists on the array.  Since this is the usual place for the docker.img file to exist, you will experience performance issues.  You should stop the VM and Docker services via Settings tab, then switch the system share to be use cache:prefer and from the main tab run the Mover.


After it's done, re-enable the services.

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