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cronjob stopped running


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Hi all,

I've got a cronjob to backup all my dockers and VM's, but it's stopped running recently.

It's defined in /boot/config/plugin/dynamix/backup-jobs.cron, and I've not made any changes to this file. Syslog doesn't show anything relevant.


I can run it manually without issues, but it just doesn't run as scheduled. Running Unraid 6.9.0-beta25.


Anyone got any ideas?

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Looks ok.  If they're within cron, you can verify via

crontab -l


cat /etc/cron.d/root


To debug why, first thing I'd do is add to the script

logger "Daily Script Running"

so you'd know if it at least tries to execute it on the schedule.  Beyond that, it's possible that if you're say using rclone or something to do the backup that you might have to specify the entire path to the executable, rather than simply relying on the environmental search path 

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