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Disappearing Flles

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Occasionally I come across files that are missing from my uNraid file system.  This seems to be happening randomly with files  that were on the server for months or years.  I recently had several episodes of a TV show disappear from the Season folder.  I had watched those very  episodes (and several before) a few months ago so I know they were really there.  I have both Plex and Emby  running but long ago  I disabled the ability to delete files after having something like this happen a few years ago and suspecting it might be them.  I also remember this was supposed to be a problem with a Plugin that was supposed to clean up old programs and removed that from my system long ago. I am going to be start a parity check shortly as I  am due.  I had thought this problem was gone a while ago but realize I may just not have noticed those (and maybe other) files missing because I was not looking for them.

My searches on the forum didn't show any smoking guns or anything I found to check beyond the obvious.  I have attached my log just in case there is an obvious (to you more informed people) indicator. 


Any assistance appreciated.


Thank you




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39 minutes ago, Squid said:

What about Sonarr updating the quality and filenames changing, or the new dl is stuck in limbo on the cache drive in the download share?

Thanks for the idea, Squid.  Sonarr (which is a pretty recent addition to my environment)  was set for a quality update.  But it did not affect other files in the folder or indicated it was downloading anything (history or otherwise).  There is nothing in my "incomplete" folder for deluge (I followed SpaceInvader's video) that isn't expected.  I'll do a deeper dive in Sonarr's logs in case there is a hint it might be related.  Do note that I have seen this issue on occasion before I put Sonarr on and even on previous OS versions.  

Thanks again...

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