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Weird Network Issue - Unraid Server disturbs Network-Switch

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So I was setting up my mini unRAID for my private Home. I used an HP Compaq elite 8300 SFF and 2x WD NAS Drives. The Compaq-Server, my level One KVM and my normal Desktop PC are all connected to an NETGEAR GS108GE-Switch. When trying to move Files from an external Drive to the Unraid-Server a weird Issue happens. The Compaq-Server locks up the Network for all Devices, which are connected to the Switch. After powering down the Compaq-Server, the Network immediately recovers.


This happens when copying the files locally via Krusader-Docker or similar File-Exporers as well as when trying to copy via SMB or FTP from my Desktop PC.


Why could this be?



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I solved the Issue by changing the RAM-Sticks to one known good RAM-Stick.

I still don't know why the Kernel Panic messes up all the Network-Connections at the Switch.


I double checked the cabling and I also checked the IPs. This is only happening if I transfer files. Trying to transfer files from an external drive to the share and trying to transfer via Network is giving me this behaviour and I don't know where to start debugging. I started with doing no transfers and see if the Error just happens after a given time or if it is depending on the file transfer. I can clearly say its depending on the file transfer.


What I also noticed is, that the Unraid Server shows up as Mac in macOSX, even if AFP is disabled and only SMB is enabled. I can't connect via Windows 10. Maybe there is something wrong configured.


So after 2h 30 of Uptime I tried file transfer from my Macbook. I transfered 4x 2,4GB Video-Files and after the 3rd the error started again.


Edit 2:


I unplugged the Unraid-Server from ethernet and connected to my KVM-Switch just to see an kernel panic. So I guess its memtest-time.



Edited by theGamer93
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