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WD20EARS unable to read while writing

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I have a WD20EARS drive jumpered and while writing to it, I am unable to watch a video without severe stuttering.  If I stop writing to it, videos play stutter free.  Videos from other drives in the array also play stutter free while writing to the WD20EARS drive.  This is the first WD20EARS drive I'm using in my array.  All other drives are F3 Samsungs and I could write and read to them simultaneously.  I rebooted the server and the problem still exists.


Is this normal for WD20EARS drives?  Attached is a smart report for this drive.  I only precleared it twice but it had no reallocated sectors or sectors pending reallocation.  I ran a parity check on Jan 18th and there were no errors.  Another thing I've noticed is that the array seems to respond slower once I added this drive.  Viewing folders takes a few seconds to open folders, almost like a drive needs to spin up.


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I just tested playback from one of my EARS drives while writing to it and had no problems.  The only real discrepancy I see between your smart report and the report for my drive is the firmware version.  Your drive has 51.0AB51 and mine has 80.00A80.  Not sure that it matters, but that is a rather large gap in the firmware.  Other than that, the SMART report passes the smell test.


Which version of unRAID are you running?  Was that drive pre-cleared?  Does the drive have pin 7-8 jumpered?  Does the stuttering only happen if you copy large files, a large number of small files, or both?

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I'm running version 4.6.  I ran the preclear cycle twice on the drive and there weren't any reallocated sectors or sectors pending reallocation.  I do have pins 7&8 jumpered.  Tonight was the first time I noticed the problem and I was ripping a bluray to the server from my pc so I guess the file is really large but it is only writing at around 10-20 MB/s.


I wonder how I update the firmware of the drive to see if that is the problem.

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There is no firmware update listed for the WDC20EARS so my guess is you can't.  Yes, ripping a blu ray would be a large sequential write for the main movie and a hodge podge of smaller writes for the rest of the stuff.  At this point you might want to run a smart test or two and watch the results and see if it ever fails.  If it does, it's likely the drive is failing.

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My 2 EARS drives have a firmware of 50.0AB50


What content are you viewing when it shutters? Is it the same content on all your drives when they don't shutter? Is this drive connected to the same place or does it use a break out card?


For the record I've been able to read/write/copy while viewing from my drives pretty easily.

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First off - Thanks for your help guys.


I'm viewing bluray rips (full bit rate) and ripping blurays when the stuttering occurs.  It is the same content on all my drives.  I tested last night ripping a bluray to a different disk and was able to read fine from that disk as well while ripping to it.  I guess yesterday was the first time I tried to both read and write from the WD drive.  I started a long smart test this morning before I left for work and can post that and a syslog when I get home.  I ran the short test last night and it didn't show any errors.  I've got a spare WDEARS drive in reserve that has been precleared.  I may drop it into the array tonight and rip something to it to test if I can read that file while ripping to the other drive.  I'm leaning towards a bad drive right now because everything has been problem free till now but I'm a noob so don't really know.


My box is the 20 bay budget build from Raj's thread (below).  The drive in question is on the same drive plane as another drive that works fine.  I can't remember right now if it is the drive plane using the SAS to SATA breakout cable or one of the SAS to PCI-E controller cards.


20 Drive Beast (pics using custom fanplate and a different motherboard)


CPU: Intel Celeron 430

RAM: Kingston 2GB DDR3 1066


Case: Norco 4220

SATA Expansion Cards: SUPERMICRO AOC-SASLP-MV8 PCI Express x4 Low Profile SAS SAS RAID Controller x 2


    NORCO C-SFF8087-4S Discrete to SFF-8087 (Reverse breakout) Cable x 1

    NORCO C-SFF8087-D SFF-8087 to SFF-8087 Internal Multilane SAS Cable x 4

Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate

Fans: COOLER MASTER R4-S2S-124K-GP 120mm Case Fan (4 pack) (these may not be powerful enough for 20 drives, currently untested)


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If you can, try streaming two Blu-ray rips simultaneously (not writing, reading only). You should be able to do this on any drive per my tests: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=9746.0


If that works, and simultaneous reading and writing doesn't, then you're just SOL and you'll either have to confine the reading and writing to different drives, or wait until the movies is finished playing before doing any more writing.

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I've been able to stream two bluray rips simultaneously from the Samsung drives but don't think I've tried from the WD drive.  I'll give it a shot tonight too.  If I end up being SOL on the other WDEARS drive as well, I may take a spare 1TB drive I have and make it a cache drive to solve the problem.  I really wish they were still making the F3 2TB Samsung drives (or that I bought more of them)...

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Probably won't be of any help, but I've not run into this behavior as yet. I'm currently doing mass-data transfers to my (only 1 at the moment) WD20EARS data drive AND streaming from it at the same time (.mkv HD video). No stutters or other discernible glitches.

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Probably won't be of any help, but I've not run into this behavior as yet. I'm currently doing mass-data transfers to my (only 1 at the moment) WD20EARS data drive AND streaming from it at the same time (.mkv HD video). No stutters or other discernible glitches.


Per my linked thread above, the phrase ".mkv HD video" contains no information!


That could be 1mbps. The OP is streaming full Blu-ray rips. They could be up to 50mbps.

My ancient LinkStation can stream 4mbps while being written to, but it absolutely can't stream Blu-ray rips while being written to.


See my thread for more detail.

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