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Upgrading from 4.6 to 4.7


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It is my understanding that 4.7 now supports Advanced Format drives.  I want to make the jump but I am concerned about what that means for my existing drives.


I have:

Parity Drive: Hitachi Deskstar 2TB 7200RPM HDD

Storage Drive: WD Green 2TB WD20EARS (jumpered)

Storage Drive: ST32000542AS updated to CC35 firmware


and I just ordered another WD20EARS that I will use for storage.


If I upgrade from 4.6 to 4.7 will my current drives work without a hitch?


I can now use the preclear.sh script on my new WD20EARS without the jumpers, correct?


Is there a difference in performance between the EARS jumpered and unjumpered?


Anything else I should be made aware of before I make the leap to 4.7?

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For your existing drives with jumpers already installed, DO NOTHING. If it works, don't break it.


For your new drives, do not install jumper, preclear and format with Advanced Format 4K alignment.


There should be no difference between EARS+Jumper@Sector63 and EARS@Sector64.

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