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Moin (> Hello) unRAID-Community


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Hi there,


"Moin" meens "hello" in north german accent. 😉

Now that I have asked my noob questions, I wanted to introduce myself to you.


Since 2013 I was running an HP Microserver (N54L) with OpenMediaVault. It always worked very well.
But since the storage space was getting smaller and smaller, I had to use larger hard disks. Because I used a RAID5 in OMV, I would have had to replace each hard disk individually to increase the capacity. And the array would have had to be rebuilt each time.
But because the N54L was also getting too old, I decided to buy completely new hardware (> Signature).


As software I actually wanted to switch to OMV 5. But then I also looked at Proxmox and unRAID.
And since I registered here in the forum, I finally chose unRAID.
Really great operating system. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun with it in the coming years.


I will use the N54L as a backup target for the unRAID.



Edited by saber1
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