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I formated my cache drive for mistake


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Hello guys,


Yesterday I posted that I had a problem with my unraid because my dockers can't mount in a read-only filesystem. After checking the log, there was a problem with my cache drive in BTRFS and I read that the scrub doesn't fix the files so someone in the unraid forum I read something like ''just format in XFS and format again in BTRFS and it will be fixed''.


Well, guess what, it is fixed but all my dockers configurations were screw! Its not a big deal, onyl a few hours of work so it could be worse. But two questions came to my mind:


1) I really though that cache drive were erased and reloaded every system reboot so my though was: Ok I reformat and reboot and everthing should be back again. (I though config files were stored in my USB). This is not happening so I guess I was wrong and files are always stored in the cache file even when the computer is off, right?

2) Second question is: is there any automatic way to create backups for my unraid cache just in case this happens again?

3) Knowing that BTRFS CAN'T be fixed with scrub and requires more complex tools.. doesnt make sense to attach to XFS even for the cache drive?


Thanks in advance for your help.

Edited by Yeyo53
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4 hours ago, Yeyo53 said:

1) I really though that cache drive were erased and reloaded every system reboot so my though was: Ok I reformat and reboot and everthing should be back again. (I though config files were stored in my USB). This is not happening so I guess I was wrong and files are always stored in the cache file even when the computer is off, right?

The system configuration files are stored on the flash drive.  Any data for an app (eg: your movie list for plex) is stored within the array, usually on the cache drive.

4 hours ago, Yeyo53 said:

2) Second question is: is there any automatic way to create backups for my unraid cache just in case this happens again?


Appdata backup plugin will make backups of your docker apps' appdata on a schedule


4 hours ago, Yeyo53 said:

3) Knowing that BTRFS CAN'T be fixed with scrub and requires more complex tools.. doesnt make sense to attach to XFS even for the cache drive?


If you're not using a cache pool (more than 1 device), then XFS is more resilient to any crashes etc of your server.  If you have a pool composed of multiple devices, then you have no choice but to use BTRFS currently

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