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[SOLVED] Switching Flash Drives


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I'm about to purchase an unRAID license, but before I do, I want to change the flash drive that I am currently using to a different one.  I have several reasons for doing so: storage size (current one is only 1GB compared to the 4GB new one) and physical size.


I thought it would be simple to change drives, but I have not been able to successfully boot with the new flash drive.


I followed the directions for prepping a flash drive

-formatted the drive, tried both FAT and FAT32 (my working flash is formatted as FAT)

-labeled drive UNRAID

-copied the contents from my current flash to the new one through windows explorer.

-right clicked makebootable.bat and ran as administrator


I purchased the same exact flash drive that my friend has on his unRAID to ensure compatibility, yet I can't get it to start up.


I'm using Windows 7 and loosing my hair :(

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The bios is set to boot from the removable device.  If I insert my original 1GB flash drive, unRAID will boot.  If I insert the new 4GB flash drive, unRAID won't boot.



Edit: my friend who has the same flash drive just informed me that he couldn't get it to boot when he used Windows 7 either (He has to use XP).  He should have mentioned this before I bought the drive, but I guess I'll have to get my hands on a PC running XP then.  Hopefully that should make it work.

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I'm about to purchase an unRAID license, but before I do, I want to change the flash drive that I am currently using to a different one.  I have several reasons for doing so: storage size (current one is only 1GB compared to the 4GB new one) and physical size.


I thought it would be simple to change drives, but I have not been able to successfully boot with the new flash drive.


I followed the directions for prepping a flash drive

-formatted the drive, tried both FAT and FAT32 (my working flash is formatted as FAT)

-labeled drive UNRAID

-copied the contents from my current flash to the new one through windows explorer.

-right clicked makebootable.bat and ran as administrator


I purchased the same exact flash drive that my friend has on his unRAID to ensure compatibility, yet I can't get it to start up.


I'm using Windows 7 and loosing my hair :(

On my Vista PC "right Clicking" on the makebootable.bat and running as administrator DID NOT result in a bootable flash drive.


I had to open a command window as "Administrator"  by "Right Clicking on "Accessories->Command Window" and then selecting "Run As Administrator"  Once the command window was open I could then run the makebootable command.


That seemed to work.


Joe L.


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I went to Accessories>Command Prompt right-clicked and ran as Administrator.  I then right clicked and ran make_bootable.bat as Administrater as well.


Still did not boot up :(


Did you use the command prompt to run make_bootable.bat?  It sounds a bit like you did it from Explorer again...just thought I'd ask

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It turns out I had to change some of the settings in the BIOS.  It was strange since my old Flash drive used the USB setting (FDD) and this time I had to change it to (Hard Disk).


I guess different flash drives need a little bit of bios tinkering sometimes.


Thanks guys

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