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Unraid Crash/Unresponsive

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Hi there.

Yesterday I had a major unraid failure, it started with the webGUI becoming unresponsive, page by page, about 60% of the CPU being used by IOWait. Over time of trying to find the source I discovered the diagnostics command no longer worked, the powerdown/reboot commands no longer worked, rc.d/rc.docker stop and samba stop no longer worked.

Eventually I had to hard power off the system, I rebooted back up and the system was responsive but very quickly had the same issue after starting the array (which I did immediately) requiring another hard power down. After this the flash drive was dead, it is unreadable in my macbook, my windows pc and no longer presents as a boot device. I have a spare and after doing XFS repair the array is running fine, I had a successful parity rebuild and things seem to be going smoothly.

However the system was only 2 weeks old so it seems strange that a 6 month old flash drive would die after 2 weeks of unraid so I thought I would attach the syslog dump I was able to get and gain more insight into what was the failure of the system, I might of not actually fixed the problem or the flash drive failure could be coincidental.

I was running 6.9.0-beta-3x (which ever was the latest on 18 November)

Please see attached syslog

My understanding from the line


Dec  1 15:44:43 Apollo kernel: usb 1-3: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd

is the flash drive committed suicide but open to the professional insights.



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