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(solved) docker image getting full

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Hi unraid team - trying to trouble shoot why my current docker container is getting full (set at 45g).   Running this command (docker container ps -s) I get this output (snippet).   Note; the 12gb container is intentional (zone minder with object detection) but given the sum below I shouldn't be getting alerts. 






What other trouble shooting steps can I do here to find where docker / containers are bloating?

Edited by repomanz
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hey @Squid - thanks for the tips.  After observing the container size I discovered one of my containers had 8.5gb of log space because I was a baddy and forgot to turn debugging level off :).


After fixing the app issue itself and adding this into the extra parameters "--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1" I'm good to go.

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