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  • Unraid 6.7 RC1 (RC2) after some time non reachable

    • Solved Minor
    Message added by limetech

    Please be aware that these comments were copied here from another source and that the date and time shown for each comment may not be accurate.

    Hey, so about 2-3 hours running, unraid is no longer reachable. Its now the second time.


    Not via HTTP or HTTPS or SSH. Its pingable, but not more.


    I plugged VGA in and it says normal


    "reachable via ip here

    login: "


    I try to shut it down non forcefully (last time i had to do it), so i can have some logs.


    I had loggin open while it happend this time.. but nothing special 


    Jan 23 16:38:14 Unraid-Server autofan: Highest disk temp is 41C, adjusting fan speed from: 111 (43% @ 0rpm) to: 39 (15% @ 0rpm)

    was last line


    All docker non reachable. all plugins also.

    Edit: so i waited 20 min after pressing shutdown (on hardware) It says collecting informations... but nothing happens (normal it takes 1-2 min). I had to force it down again... ive attached my server diag after the last shutdown.


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    Next (connectifity) shutdown, maybe uptime of 1-2hours, found nothing in logs.... try again with 


    mkdir -p /boot/logs
    FILENAME="/boot/logs/syslog-shutdown-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt"
    tail -f /var/log/syslog > $FILENAME


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    And more information required.

    Might be something related to your system/hardware or setup. This is not seen on any of the test servers during internal testing.

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    upps.. please move it.


    What information exact? I cant give logs when nothing is logged... ;)


    But like i said i try again.


    It might have something to do with unbalance and or file integry plugin!?

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    If you suspect a plugin then test your system in safe mode and try to determine what is causing it by enabling things one at the time.

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    It happend again. This night.


    It just loses network connection. - its active when i look on router (unraid ip, few bytes in and out), but not u cant connect to it, also all plugins, dockers and vms loses connectifty.


    Ill upload log as soon as i come home.


    It must be the new RC, because atleast 2 other ppl report it. But mysterios is that tehy have ryzen, and i dont. 


    Can someone please move this thread into the correct forum?


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    5 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Without diagnostics we can not be conclusive.

    I already told you that its hard to do that. My wife restartet the server in the morning but still i couldnt access it. I try again now.


    I let a "screen" tail -f syslog to array run the whole night, so maybe ther is something. 


    Edit: i cant do anything anymore, when i hard reset can i acces the server for like 1 min, that was it.

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    Okay, i plugged a vga monitor in... and like last time, it showed normal login: password:


    fans are running full speed. 


    No f ing error in syslog, NOTHING, it just stopped working. (i opend terminal and used screen to tail -f the syslog - so this should work)


    Im happy i was able to downgrade before it happend again. - but i really loved that new style.


    Last log 1


    is 41C, adjusting fan speed from: 111 (43% @ 0rpm) to: 39 (15% @ 0rpm)
    Jan 24 01:58:39 Unraid-Server login[21545]: ROOT LOGIN  on '/dev/pts/2'
    Jan 24 01:59:12 Unraid-Server emhttpd: req (17): cmd=/plugins/NerdPack/scripts/packagemanager&arg1=--download&csrf_token=****************
    Jan 24 01:59:12 Unraid-Server emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/scripts/packagemanager --download
    Jan 24 01:59:12 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Processing Packages...
    Jan 24 01:59:12 Unraid-Server nerdpack: lynx-2.8.8rel.2 package up to date, checksum ok.
    Jan 24 01:59:13 Unraid-Server nerdpack: perl-5.26.1 package up to date, checksum ok.
    Jan 24 01:59:13 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Downloading python-2.7.15-x86_64-3.txz package...
    Jan 24 01:59:30 Unraid-Server nerdpack: python-2.7.15-x86_64-3.txz package download sucessful!
    Jan 24 01:59:30 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Installing python-2.7.15 package...
    Jan 24 01:59:36 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Downloading screen-4.6.2s-x86_64-2.txz package...
    Jan 24 01:59:39 Unraid-Server nerdpack: screen-4.6.2s-x86_64-2.txz package download sucessful!
    Jan 24 01:59:39 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Installing screen-4.6.2s package...
    Jan 24 01:59:39 Unraid-Server nerdpack: unionfs-fuse-0.26 package up to date, checksum ok.
    Jan 24 01:59:39 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Downloading utempter-1.1.6-x86_64-2.txz package...
    Jan 24 01:59:40 Unraid-Server nerdpack: utempter-1.1.6-x86_64-2.txz package download sucessful!
    Jan 24 01:59:40 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Installing utempter-1.1.6 package...
    Jan 24 01:59:41 Unraid-Server nerdpack: vim-7.4.1938 package up to date, checksum ok.
    Jan 24 01:59:41 Unraid-Server nerdpack: Cleaning up packages...
    Jan 24 01:59:41 Unraid-Server nerdpack: All packages processed...


    Last log 2

    Jan 24 02:05:56 Unraid-Server autofan: Highest disk temp is 44C, adjusting fan speed from: 39 (15% @ 0rpm) to: 111 (43% @ 0rpm)
    Jan 24 02:16:02 Unraid-Server autofan: Highest disk temp is 41C, adjusting fan speed from: 111 (43% @ 0rpm) to: 39 (15% @ 0rpm)
    Jan 24 02:26:08 Unraid-Server autofan: Highest disk temp is 43C, adjusting fan speed from: 39 (15% @ 0rpm) to: 87 (34% @ 0rpm)
    Jan 24 02:35:33 Unraid-Server ool www[17978]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/scripts/stop
    Jan 24 02:35:38 Unraid-Server ool www[6500]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/scripts/start
    Jan 24 02:35:38 Unraid-Server sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/bash -c /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/unbalance -port 6237



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    fingeres crossed, i complete my migration to fully encrypted array and cache and installed RC2, until now (10% parity) it didnt became unreachable, lets see.

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    Okay, i can confirm that RC2 is also not working. 

    I cant create error log sadly.


    Something must have changed from RC1 on, i never had that problem. 

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    Sorry keep forgetting the 'move to database' feature locks the new topic...


    Please try in safe mode, probably a plugin causing mischief.

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    1 hour ago, limetech said:

    Sorry keep forgetting the 'move to database' feature locks the new topic...


    Please try in safe mode, probably a plugin causing mischief.

    I also have that locking in RC2, never happend before.


    Didnt changed anything. 6.6.6 is working perfectly fine. Something has changed, i dont have an ryzen either. 


    I upgraded back to 6.6.6 and its working again over a day now withotu problems, while the RCs keep "crashing" in minutes, or latest 4h.


    Maybe on weekend i can try again rc2 with logging engabled.

    Edited by nuhll
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    Unraid 6.7 has many packages updated to their latest versions.

    Perhaps there is a conflict with other installed packages, especially from NerdPack and/or DevPack.


    Please test in safe mode, which ensures no installation of additional packages.

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    Do you think it might be something like this and then only crashes after a long time (4h) or fast time like 5 min? Could that be possible? 

    Edited by nuhll
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    Difficult to say, because we can not replicate your problem. It doesn't seem hardware related (you are using Intel like many other users).


    I see you have NerdPack installed. At least test with this plugin disabled (not installing packages) or temporary uninstall the plugin or start in safe mode as said earlier.

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    Thats a good idea i guess. Tho i dont have any crazy special things activated, only the mount thing for google drive, and some things like htop and screen and such things.


    I will try with loggin enabled and plugins normal and then i will try again without anything. Maybe on weekend.


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    Ive back to testing. Without nerds plugin it runs some hours, without problems,(didnt tried long enaught to be sure tho, want to try first with important plugins active) ive installed now the bare minimum i need to run


    nerd tools

    with latest python (and updated it to latest version) and pearl

    unionfs (but others report that doesnt can be the problem)

    and VIM

    I suspect utemper and im not sure for what i was using that. Or outdated python.

    And i enabled torubleshooting mode. Lets see if i get some logs this time.


    Edited by nuhll
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