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Everything posted by Aage

  1. I'm probably just missing something simple. I have mealie running version 0.5.6 with a couple hundred recipes on it. Is there a way to move those over to the new version? Like with a backup, which doesn't seem to work for me. Thanks
  2. I'm looking for an answer to this also
  3. This look cool! I like to see it put into the community apps
  4. Im getting stuck on login page too. I have seen that user: admin password: admin. All it does is load after that. Is it supposed to take a while for it to load? Ok, I got mine working. Some reason in my logs, it was saying that photonix password for postgres was wrong. After copying and pasting a few times. I finally got it working. Still not sure why it started working. But it is. Seems to be decent program so far. Thanks for the install tutorial!
  5. Aage


    Anyone know how to make sure the video quality stays good? We use mainly the app for video, 2 people look great. when we add a 3rd person the quaily drops a decent amount. I know 2 person can be peer to peer. 3 people doesn't really tax the server or network at all. It works just fine, but would be nice to keep quality up as good as we can. thanks
  6. Aage


    I see jitsi has 4 apps in unraid apps. Played a little with them. I'm having some issues with them. Jitsi-web wants to replace my letsencrypt container. Has anyone installed these yet? Care to share what we need to change in the settings? Thanks
  7. Aage


    @Wouterrthanks for posting this. I'll be trying this later!
  8. Aage


    I got a vm working for jitsi, but I use letsencrypt for dockers, and jitsi uses it also. Letsencrypt only uses ports 80 and 443 for certs. So only way I got it to communicate out side the network with encryption, was to stop ports to my docker. It seems there is a way around this, but a little over my head. It would be nice it have it through a docker to use letsencrypt I have on there.
  9. Aage


    https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet Anyone know how to install this on unraid? I'm spoiled with the unraid apps to install containers.
  10. Aage


    I also add +1 demand unit can jitsi be used on moble?
  11. I have this same thing going. I went to setting smb and put no for wsd. That seemed to stop the core from being 100%. What does was do?
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