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Everything posted by norsemanGrey

  1. Very nice dashboard! Can I ask how you are able to get named datasets for your Docker containers? My container datasets are created with the full container ID. Also, is the dataset size reflecting only the container layer dataset or the all the image layer datasets for that container as well?
  2. I'm having the same issue as you. Did you find a fix for it? I had the exact same setup on a previous server and did not have any problems then so I wonder if this is related to a change to the container application.
  3. Has anyone been able to get Calibre/Guacamole to work properly with Nginx Proxy Manager? I'm only getting a white screen and can access the Guacamole clipboard menu, but the Calibre desktop UI itself is not showing.
  4. That is very true. But then I guess one would have to restart the container periodically as well in order to get a new port more often than on a two months period. Oh btw, when reading through your code, as I am trying to learn, I noticed this comment in the script. (note this env var is passed through to up script via openvpn --sentenv option) Does that mean that the port forwarding script will only be run if using OpenVPN and not Wireguard as the protocol? Thanks for taking the time to answer btw, a lot of this is new to me so it is very appreciated.
  5. Ah, yes of course, I see what you mean. I guess what I was thinking is that one could make env var with an option to choose to "reuse" the same port number after a restart. Thus, skipping the script if a port number was already assigned and had not reached its expiration.
  6. Thanks for the tip I will check them out. It would be nice though, as an alternative, to have the possibility to view the generated PF port when using this image. I guess it could be saved to a file or just printed in the log somewhere. Maybe I have misunderstood something then. I only stated it as I read that detail in the port forwarding script PIA themselves publish on GitHub., but I am no expert so I am probably overlooking something. As you probably have tons of knowledge about this maybe you could explain as I would like to gain more insight on this.
  7. Hello @binhex I would like to try out the privoxyvpn container, using the Wireguard as PIA VPN client and share with some other containers. As I understand the PIA VPN incoming port will be automatically generated. Where will I find the autogenerated port number so that I can use it e.g. in a torrent client application? I looked through the documentation, but could not find the answer there. If I missed it, sorry. Also is there any form of persistence option for the port number so that the same one will be used if the container is restarted? From what I understand an incoming port from PIA is valid for 2 months.
  8. I am using Authelia together with Nginx Proxy Manager. Both are installed with Docker containers on the same host. I have got the setup working with most of my services, but for some reason when trying to get it to work with VSCode (using linuxserver/code-server) I only get a white/blank screen after login. Anyone have any tip as to what might be wrong? I am using the same endpoint configuration for all the services just changing out the address and port number. I have no trouble with VSCode when not behind Authelia.
  9. I am using Authelia together with Nginx Proxy Manager. Both are installed with Docker containers on the same host. I have got the setup working with most of my services, but for some reason when trying to get it to work with VSCode (using linuxserver/code-server) I only get a white/blank screen after login. Anyone have any tip as to what might be wrong? I am using the same endpoint configuration for all the services just changing out the address and port number. I have no trouble with VSCode when not behind Authelia.
  10. When attempting to use the latest image to get a wildcard certificate for my domain at Domeneshop I seem to get a "No TXT record found at _acme-challenge.<my domain>.no". It seems at least the API keys work and that the Certbot gets access to my account. Not sure why, but the challenge seems to run two times. Output from log below: Obtaining a new certificate Performing the following challenges: dns-01 challenge for <my domain>.no dns-01 challenge for <my domain>.no Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/domeneshop.ini Waiting 60 seconds for DNS changes to propagate Waiting for verification... Challenge failed for domain <my domain>.no Challenge failed for domain <my domain>.no dns-01 challenge for <my domain>.no dns-01 challenge for <my domain>.no Cleaning up challenges Some challenges have failed. IMPORTANT NOTES: - The following errors were reported by the server: Domain: <my domain>.no Type: unauthorized Detail: No TXT record found at _acme-challenge.<my domain>.no Domain: <my domain>.no Type: unauthorized Detail: No TXT record found at _acme-challenge.<my domain>.no To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain contain(s) the right IP address. I guess it can be and issue with the Domeneshop plugin, but just thought I would check here in case I missed something. This is the docker compose file i used: version: '2' services: letsencrypt: image: linuxserver/letsencrypt container_name: letsencrypt cap_add: - NET_ADMIN environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/Oslo - URL=<my domain>.no - SUBDOMAINS=wildcard - VALIDATION=dns - DNSPLUGIN=domeneshop - EMAIL=<my email> - DHLEVEL=4096 ports: - 443:443 volumes: - /home/<min bruker>/appdata/letsencrypt/config:/config restart: unless-stopped
  11. Hi. I have a registered domain at Domainnameshop / Domeneshop for which I would like to set up a SSL wildcard certificate. Domeneshop has a DNS authentication plugin for Certbot ( How would I go about using this with the linuxserver/letsencrypt image?