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Posts posted by jbquintal

  1. On 12/12/2021 at 5:40 AM, trurl said:

    Put flash in PC and copy. You really only need the config folder to restore your configuration to a new install.

    thank you!


    On 12/12/2021 at 5:51 AM, Squid said:

    FYI If the spinner doesn't disappear within exactly 120 seconds, then it will never disappear.  Under 6.10RC3+ this time limit has been increased to 480 seconds.


    But, what @trurl stated is 100% true.  Its so easy to make a copy yourself, and even easier to utilize the MyServers plugin to accomplish this stuff without even thinking about it.

    Will try this out.  Thanks as well.


    Happy Holidays!

  2. I had the exact same problem... drives were throwing random read errors (mostly when I try accessing a spun down drive).  Extended SMART tests didn't show any problem with the drives, and all the unreadable sectors were never the same. I tried swapping out two drives, two controllers, and another set of cables... it ended being a bad PSU and now one of my drives have an unmountable FS.

    If the drives are good, it's probably the cable, controller, or in my case, the PSU.

  3. 4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    It would have been much better to see if the emulated disk was fixable before starting to rebuild on top of the old disk, now you don't have the option to use it, and it would probably be fine, current filesystem corruption is fatal, you might be able to recover the data with btrfs restore, 2nd option here, after that you'll need to format the disk.

    Thanks... so do I stop the rebuild or just let it finish?  Can I run the btrfs restore now?

  4. So I had a failing power supply that messed up my array that I just diagnosed earlier.  Some back story first, this all started out with certain drives throwing read errors after spinning up from sleep.  All the errors never pointed to the same sectors, all different sectors. All the drives cleared SMART extended tests and work fine after rebooting. I swapped two drives out, two controllers, and a set of cables and the issue still occurred.  I then cleaned the entire system out and redid cabling and everything.  Since then I've been running fine for about 4 days until earlier.

    When I woke up, there were massive errors across several drives.  The server reported that Disk1 was disabled, with contents emulated.  I shut it down and I did some checking and I found out that my +5v rail was dropping to +4.6v which would explain my drive issues when spinning them up.  I swapped out the PSU and booted back up again.  My miss was that I didn't dump diags before shutting down the first time.  Since my array isn't set to autostart, I took off disk1, started the array.  Then I stopped the array, and re-enable Disk1.  I see that the parity rebuild has started and the contents have been supposedly emulated, but it isn't mounted.  

    What can I do to fix this? Have I lost all files on Disk1?




  5. On 4/10/2021 at 8:11 PM, itimpi said:

    Not quite as the licence is tied to the GUID of a particular drive.


    the easy way to do what you want is to get a new “Pro” licence linked to a new USB drive.   You then copy the ‘config’ folder off the current USB drive to transfer all your current settings to the new USB drive.    You can then use the existing drive with the Plus licence for the secondary server.  You can set up the old drive as if it were a new flash if you want, but if doing so make sure you first copy the licence file off the existing drive so you can then put it back after recreating the drive to keep it licence.

    I see.  Thank you very much for the response.

  6. So I've been using unraid for over a year now and I've set up a secondary server.  I'm now about to purchase a second license for my secondary server as well upgrading my primary server.  That said, here's my question...


    Is it possible to transfer my existing "Plus" license to my secondary server, and just buy a new "Pro" license for my primary server without moving USB drives around? Can I create a support ticket to just swap registered licenses between FLASH GUIDs?

  7. 11 minutes ago, trurl said:

    I hadn't needed to do that recently so I checked the code:

    root@unSERVER:~# which powerdown
    root@unSERVER:~# cat /usr/local/sbin/powerdown
    logger "/usr/local/sbin/powerdown has been deprecated"
    if [[ "$1" == "-r" ]]; then
      /sbin/init 0

    Looks like that would log that it was deprecated and then go ahead and do





  8. 2 minutes ago, trurl said:

    There has been some back and forth between Unassigned Devices and Preclear development recently so maybe something to do with the preclears?

    Thanks.  I did notice the Unassigned Devices error keep cropping up.  I did a quick search before and it just says that it's caused by having multiple browsers open.  In any case, i'll just finish the parity check and reboot the server and observe if it'll happen again.

    "powerdown -r" is the proper way to do it, right?

  9. 10 minutes ago, trurl said:

    like what?

    Apologies for not outlining what I've tried.  In any case, here's what I've looked at so far.

    https://forums.unraid.net/topic/87876-500-internal-server-error-solved/ <--- Doesn't seem to apply. I don't have any VLANs or any load balancing set up...
    https://forums.unraid.net/topic/70428-unraid-500-internal-server-error/ <--- Doesn't seem to apply. Plex and other Dockers seem to work just fine. I can play vides on Plex... 
    https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86364-500-internal-server-error-nginx/ <--- Doesn't seem to apply. Different error codes in /var/log/nginx...
    https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/7ygav2/webgui_500_internal_server_error/ <--- Tried this...

  10. Hi Everyone, for some reason I can't seem to access the webGUI.  I took a look at a few threads with the same issue and tried some of the solutions, but nothing worked or isn't applicable.  I'm currently doing a pre-clear of two drives and a parity check.  I'm able to access the machine via SSH and things seem to be working... All docker apps seem to be working just fine and are reachable via their respective webGUIs.   






    That being said, I've attached my diagnostics file to see if anyone can help figure out what's wrong. I'll keep it up until the parity check finishes and I'll do a reboot to see if that resolves the issue.  By the way, is "powerdown -r" the right way to gracefully shutdown?


  11. On 11/24/2020 at 1:34 AM, hedrinbc said:

    Hi there couple questions.


    1. Were you able to create paths on your system for the three paths required?
    2. Were those paths on your array or in a cache or unassigned drive?


    My 3 paths are on an unassigned drive versus in the array and I have heard there could be permission issues if on the array. Reading those logs it appears to me it can't write into the paths.


    Happy to continue to help, I do have it running over here so we can get there!


    Hey Ben,


    Thanks... I resolved mine by fixing permissions.  Works great now.


  12. First up, thanks for the docker! I've been waiting for a docker app that supports Omada Controller v4.  Right now, I'm running a windows vm just to get the controller.  Anyway, I tired installing your docker but I must be doing something wrong.  Any thoughts?


  13. On 10/30/2020 at 8:23 PM, lsymfr said:

    I'm having trouble with the TP-Link Omada Controller Docker, it can link the my Access Points but once they are setup in the dockers the AP's do not report any client or usaged to the omada controller, anyone has this problem?




    I had the same issue.  The only fix is to rollback the firmware on your APs or wait until Mace updates the docker app.  The latest firmware needs "Omada controller v4.1.5" to work properly and show stats.  However, Mace's docker app only has EAP-Controller v3.2.9. 

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